Platinum is this girl's best friend ...
Greetings and HAPPY FRIDAY, dear readers!
Nothing but good news today, and even the petty nitpickings of my manager from hades, or the shitty mood of office mates can't damper my vibe (so far).
- Saw Jerry Seinfeld last night at NJPAC in lovely downtown Newark. GREAT show, and definitely worth the $75 ticket, $8 pain in the ass parking, and rainy drive home at 11:45PM.
- Received kudos from the sales guy on my only project ... also echoed by nitpicky manager from hades.
- Skillfully exposed duplicitous nature and intentions of nitpicky manager from hades to CEO.
- Confirmed my "professionalism" (or lack thereof) isn't what duplicitous and nitpicky manager from hades characterized.
- Logged in to this morning and found a little gem, or rather precious metal, of happiness. (thank you, DNak, beloved friend and respected professional coworker, for pointing out the spoils of the originally posted pictura ... I'll kick the s#%t out of anyone (myself included) that ever calls you "Mister 90%" again!)
Those of you who have known me throughout most of my career know the ridiculous business and personal travel schedule maintained over the years. Coast to coast clients and long-distance boyfriends racked up the miles in a hurry.
To some, and understandably so, this may seem petty and ridiculous. However, any business traveler based out of Dallas / Forth Worth knows the heartache of being a slave to the incumbent carrier (read: Evil Empire), in this case American. (other Evil Empires: Chicago = United, Detroit / Minneapolis = Northwest, Atlanta = Delta, Newark = Continental)
Regardless, it took a long time to get here, dammit, and petty or not, I'm ecstatic and gonna enjoy it for however long it lasts :-D
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