01 August 2006

Everyone Should Be So Lucky To Have A Great Landlord Like Mine

I am a horrible human being ...

... for many reasons, but today mostly for complaining about the lack of response from my landlord on the A/C situation.

Sad to report, my dear sweet landlord died this morning after an extended hospitalization due to an infection contracted post-operation in June. Somehow, his wife managed to pull together the presence of mind under such awful circumstances to retrieve the messages from his cell phone, and call to make sure I got the air conditioner taken care of. (which it is, to the tune of $120 for the service call and subsequent replacement of one big, blown fuse)

To provide a little history on F, the dear sweet landlord, he was a scientist by trade for his entire life, and worked on the ARPANET project in the 60's, which ultimately ended up as the Internet.

Al Gore didn't invent the Internet, MY LANDLORD DID! (how's that for an Inconvenient Truth, Al?)

Not to mention, he let me keep the cat ... he liked cats, liked my cat, and was willing to pretend he never saw her, considering that animals are not kosher with the owner of the house.

Anyone that likes cats is a good person, in my book.

He was a nice nice nice nice dear sweet man. And his wife is a nice nice nice dear sweet lady too. Good thoughts and prayers for them both.

So, dear sweet landlord F, lifelong scientist, cat lover, and overall nice person, I toast you and cheer you into a happy afterlife with an ice cold Corona in the cool(er) house you managed so well.

As for you, dear sweet readers of this blog, when you pay the rent today (it IS August 1st, after all) hug your landlord!


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