17 September 2006

Things To Do With Your Old Business Cards

No worries, I'm still employed. I just happened to notice recently that my business cards are woefully out of date ... old title, old address, old phone number. About the only thing still valid are the company name, my name, email address and extension.

While it's tempting to hang on to the rest of the box as kindling for fires this fall and winter, I'm finding decent use for them thus far:

- bookmark
- notecard with the perfect martini recipe
- writing down your flight arrangements
- directions to the next interview
- notecard of random thoughts
- something in which to somewhat gracefully dispose of your chewing gum
- scraping up a yakked up hairball off the floor

Any other ideas, dear readers?

14 September 2006

... And She Did It In High Heels

Just had to give a sad shout-out at the passing of former Texas Governor Ann Richards, who died last night at 73 of cancer.

As with any politician, I never 100% agreed with her politics, but she was still a heroine.

A true Texas woman all the way with her big hair and unmistakable drawl

Ann is an icon who showed us that a Woman can play in the Boy's Club and win, with bigger balls than most of the men in the room. As she often said: "Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels."

Yes, she did ... and so did you, Ann ... at home, in government, on a Harley and in high heels.

01 September 2006

A Rainy Night In Mo-Town

Today marks the beginning of a new month: September.

September, that glorious month signaling the end of Summer, the beginning of Fall, and the close of Q3.

In this blogger's opinion, September is a rather delicious month, however, not nearly as delicious as October, which brings us full-on fall action.

Greetings, dear reader, from a wine-soaked rainy night here on the northeastern seaboard, thanks to Ernesto, the tropical depression that delivered nothing more than a lot of rain and f-ed up flight patters along the eastern seaboard. Pre-Ernesto, we've had an usually cool and breezy spell, a tantalizing taste of fall ... and it ROCKS!!!

Why all the near-nympho descriptions of the weather and pending seasons?

Because FALL is my favourite transitional season. Summer and Winter be damned, give me the transitional months. Spring and Fall represent, for me at least, closure and budding promise, simultaneously. Cooler, crisper air, changing leaves, football, basketball, and the hope that perhaps the right guy might come along to share the air and leaves with while you're rocking those cute fall sweaters, jeans, jackets, and boots.

The idea of closure and budding promise are perpetual themes in my life, especially in my professional life at the moment.

Still employed at Limbo Incorporated for the moment. No complaints other than the usual. I traveled this week for the first time in a while ... It wasn't a particularly thrilling trip, however, it was nice to get out and on the road for a couple of days.

Ovulation + Grounded Road Warrior = A Very Restless Professional In Purgatory

(Buy your stock in the Gillette Company, parent company of Duracell, readers ... I can guarantee a temporary rise in stock prices and record profitability this week)

Three GREAT interviews to report in the last week! These experiences only further solidify my theory that interviewing and dating are one in the same (minus the sex ... Well, unless you're casting for a porn film in the San Bernadino Valley). There are two serious front-runners, and my Spidey Senses tell me that I may end up with an offer for both. They're both great opportunities, however, one's like Aidan (great opportunity, stable, one you wouldn't pass up but still feel like there's something slightly better out there), and the other like Mr. Big. Forgive me for the Sex In The City comparisons here, but hey, I'm a woman in my late 20's (6 months from 3-0), and yes, Sex In The City shaped my late-20-something experience.

Sue me.

In the meantime, it's a long weekend, it's cool and rainy here in the treehouse, I've got a bottle of yummy Pinot Noir on, I'm being courted by two great companies, my oldest niece started pre-school this week AND is potty trained ... life is good and I can't complain. (OK, so the last ridiculously hormonal ovulation cycle left me feeling like the 29-Year Old Virgin, and a little twinge of I Wish I Had A Man Syndrome, but it has since passed.)

Overall Status: Pleasantly Soaked in Pinot Noir and GOOD! :-)

P.S.: One last gush ...
I saw STEELY DAN and Michael McDonald a few weeks ago, and it was FREAKING AWESOME!!! (also further evidence I was born 15 years too late.) Overall a very worthwhile experience to go at alone, definitely one you don't want to attend with someone who's not at all into it.

Though I must admit, I laughed out loud during MM's set thinking of Paul Rudd's rant in The 40-Year-Old Virgin about 2 years of watching the Michael McDonald concert DVD, and subsequent threat to "Ya Mo murder everyone in the store."

P.P.S: Second last gush ...
If you are not a watcher, you MUST MUST MUST catch Season 2 of Weeds on Showtime. Whether or not you're pro- or anti-wacky tobacky, it's a well-written engaging series, heartfelt and human, with second-to-none casting and acting. Next to Grey's Anatomy, it's the only other show I will run home to watch, or at least be VERY upset if I miss it.